
Thursday, September 16, 2010

John Boehner Wants To Eat Your Babies

... well, at least that's the current line from the Democrats. Just in case you've never seen John Boehner, here's what he looks like.

Make sure you show your children this picture so they learn to recognize him and run away screaming before he devours them.

If you don't know why he's so evil, make sure you read this well-researched piece of reporting from Joe Conason.
There is nothing fresh or surprising about Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, the would-be speaker, a figure so closely associated with corporate special interests that he looks, sounds and behaves exactly like a lobbyist. He golfs, drinks, smokes and maintains an unusually bronzed complexion thanks to company jets that whisk him away to his favorite Florida resorts. He seems as if he could have stepped straight out of "Thank You for Smoking," Christopher Buckley's classic spoof of Washington's cynical, morally empty K Street.
There. I hope you understand now. John Boehner wants to eat your babies. There's nothing at all to the claim that a $13T loan at a 4% interest rate will run you $520B a year in interest payments alone. Don't listen to things like that. Just keep your precious, little tykes away from John Boehner.


  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Speaking of well-tanned candidates, I'm in Florida this week. For all the money they spend on tv ads, you'd think the campaigns could be more clever. The best line yet (from an otherwise underachieving ad)... "whatever position you support, Charlie Crist is your man."

  2. Something is wrong with that picture - I know, Boehner isn't orange enough!
