
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Connecting the Dots

... and they're not that far apart.

Kathleen Sebelius, head of HHS:
After claims from insurance companies that they plan to dramatically increase premiums this year because of the Affordable Care Act, the White House fired off a threat to the industry's main lobbying group today.

Writing to the head of America's Health Insurance Plans, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said insurers that hike rates for consumer unjustifiably may be locked out from the state exchanges due to be set up by 2014. These exchanges will be the primary means by which small groups and individuals will purchase coverage. Being excluded from these marketplaces could be devastating to insurers.
Juan Peron:
As economic doctrine Justicialism realizes the social economy, placing capital at the service of the economy and the latter at the service of social well-being.
You still get to own property, but only so long as you do what the government tells you to do with it.

Just FYI - Juan Peron was a fascist.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of fascists, there are reasons why people compare Obama to Il Duce, and not only because of his snarling demeanor and uptilted chin.
