
Monday, September 06, 2010

Clouds Coming in over Haleakala

This video really needs Enya music, but I've not yet had success posting videos on YouTube with Enya soundtracks - they all get removed for copyright reasons. Instead, I used the music available on YouTube and like the results.



  1. That music works. Something else would completely changes the mood. I think something from Holst's the Planets would work too. Did you film this yourself?

  2. Kelly, I propped my Kodak Zi8 up on a rock near the top of Haleakala and let it go for a while. I then took the movie and compressed it in time.

    You're right about the music. This music suggests the fog is going to eat us. Enya would have suggested that the fog was full of fairies and sprites who would tickle our toes. Holst might have suggested that Roman legions were following the fog.


  3. I have used the YouTube music as well; it is good enough for most videos.
