
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Photo Makes Me Laugh

... and the coffee isn't too bad, either. You'll have to scroll down a bit to get to the photo. The top of the blog is loaded with ads for the coffee.


  1. The monastic lifestyle seems to lend itself to making and selling high-end luxury foodstuffs. Our local monks specialize in jam.

  2. I saw apricots in the blender! Awesome! I love apricot jam!

  3. What the? Where's the cat gone - thanks for the humor by the way guys!

  4. Mystic Monk is the best coffee I have had, with the exception of a blend I have only found it Italy.

  5. "The monastic lifestyle seems to lend itself to making and selling high-end luxury foodstuffs."

    It seems to me that these days "high-end luxury" is the standard view of anything that people take the time to do right. If we weren't addicted to mass-production and "efficiency", we might all have fewer but better cups of coffee. At least, that's my theory.
