
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Obama Administration To Sue Vons, Safeway

... for demanding ID in the checkout line.

Well, maybe not.


  1. Jedi Knight Ivyan10:05 PM

    I have to show my identification every time I go into town and come back home.

    What facist state is this? It's a military base.

    Does anybody get to see Obama without showing some bona fides? Okay, that was a bad example. Ought to read: Should anyone get to see Obama without ID?

    The president doesn't want to piss off anyone on the PC side of any debate. spineless.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Don't forget that Harry Reid wants you to show an ID to buy a cell phone (but not to vote. That would be racist).

  3. Does it matter what color your cell phone is?
