
Saturday, July 24, 2010

If Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

... then wouldn't having to provide fewer necessities for yourself lead to less inventiveness?

I've been noodling over the meaning of this post over at our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings wherein all manner of hidden rules and regulations and portents of the future are revealed for the monstrous ObamaCare legislation that was passed earlier this year. The one about necessity popped into my head, but let's not go political on it. Instead, let's try something more general.

What would your life be like without credit cards? What are you not doing today because you carry a MasterCard around in your wallet? Your life is easier, but is it better?

Mom and Dad will definitely be more inventive after this. Note that this was part of a Dave Ramsey promotion where he encouraged his fans to send in videos of their "plastectomies".

1 comment:

  1. That was hilarious. The audience thought so, too!

    Thanks for the link, hombre.
