
Monday, May 17, 2010

Still Crazy After All These Years

... about 4000 years, to be exact.

The Greeks, at least those represented by their government, still have a hard time looking in the mirror. Instead, they're doing what losers always do, looking for someone else to blame for their problems. For socialists, that's always easy - it's either racism or bankers.
May 16 (Bloomberg) -- Greece is considering taking legal action against U.S. investment banks that might have contributed to the country’s debt crisis, Prime Minister George Papandreou said.
If only he could have found some racist bankers to blame! But hark, what is that I hear? Yes, it's the siren song of "Racism!" If you wait long enough, it will come.
Papandreou said many in the international community have engaged in “Greek bashing” and find it easy “to scapegoat Greece.” He said Greeks “are a hard-working people. We are a proud people.”
Ahh, the phrasing of the race baiter. "A proud people." Dude, before you talk about pride, you might want to do something to be proud of. Blowing all your money on a binge of smug, socialist self-gratification isn't it.

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