
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Without a Touch of Irony

...President Obama will accuse Wall Street of irresponsible behavior.
President Barack Obama will return to Manhattan's Cooper Union on Thursday, two years after a campaign speech that laid out his vision for Wall Street, to castigate a financial industry that he will say has too often forgotten the ordinary Americans who have suffered from its reckless irresponsibility.
Obama and the Democrats are running insane deficits for no business reason at all and he's going to puff himself up and preen before the cameras to yell at investors. Meanwhile, his cronies in Congress are planning to simply skip budgeting this year. Unreal.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes lately I feel like dayglobama and the demoncrats are messing with my brain, like Winston Smith in 1984. All the lies and manipulation are like the Communist brain washing that went on for seventy years in Russia and as we now know the disinformation campaign run by the KGB and their useful idiots right here in the US.
