
Monday, March 22, 2010

There Will Be a Successful Court Challenge to Obamacare

... and it will come from NARAL, wiping out whatever idiotic executive order Obama used to dupe the dimwitted Stupak into voting for this monstrosity. You can't use an executive order to override congressional law. If you could, the president would have dictatorial powers.

The best and the brightest.


  1. Pithy and well put.

  2. Quote from Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) Facebook post, "Rep. Stupak, by encouraging his followers in the House to go for the phoney Executive Order, has single-handedly pushed this bill over the top and opened the way for tax payer funded abortions. He has long claimed to be strongly pro-life, but he even spoke and voted against the Stupak amendment when we tried to put it back in the bill." I am majorly disappointed to be deceived by this politician. He no longer has the right to call himself pro-life!

  3. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I was wondering what poster I'd see first... "Chump", "Sucker", or "Obama's Bitch".

    Looks like Chump wins.


  4. He will be credited with his very own word for the equivalent of being shamelessly taken to the cleaners: to be "Stupaked".

  5. What is even more embarrassing is not a single pundit I saw last night called bullshit on this with respect to the XO not being worth the paper it was written on.

    Sad. sad. sad.
