
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Ackbar

At work, Admiral Ackbar's famous line, "It's a trap!" has become one of our regular sayings. Last night, while showing an Ackbar video to my kids, I stumbled across this one. Enjoy!


  1. I keep thinking about the actor who played Akbar, spending hours in the makeup chair, probably on multiple days, getting that whole head on and wired correctly, and the only line people remember is "It's a trap!"

    Although he was still better off than all the actors that had to get all suited up for *no* intelligible lines, like the little dude that was Lando's copilot when they flew into the second Death Star . . .

  2. Ackbar is a favorite in the B-Daddy household as well.
    But he could be the mascot for all men when faced with certain kinds of questions from their wives or girlfriends:
    Do these pants make my butt look big?
    Which of my girlfriend's do you think is the cutest?
    Do I really get cranky about once a month?
    Ackbar is your ally here. The only prudent response is to heed his warning: "It's a trap," and bail.

  3. I have to say that when I first watched Return of the Jedi and saw Ackbar, I thought he was the stupidest alien of all time. A fish?!? Are you kidding me?

    But then there were the Ewoks ...
