
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Klepto Dream

This morning I woke up from a really weird dream. In the dream, I was walking down a suburban, residential street when I came across a Dominos pizza delivery pickup truck where the delivery guy had run inside the house to make a delivery, but left the keys in the truck, the door open and the motor running.

I stole the truck.

From there, the rest of the dream was consumed by the feeling of "Ooops. Now what?" As I drove, I ate a pizza that was still in the truck, waiting for the next delivery, and noodled around ways to ditch the truck and escape. The longer I drove the truck, the worse the tension got as I realized that calls were being made and cops were converging on the scene. I finally left it on some side street and ran off. I woke up before the coppers nabbed me.

Moral to the dream: Leave this little guy alone!


  1. Live The Dream! lol

    captcha: deverman (someone can almost spell)

  2. I just read the "Fighting the Man" post. I sense a connection here hehe.
