
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Momma Daisy

You can't stop her! You can only hope to slow her down!


  1. I can't remember if you ever told us the history of her.

  2. In 2003, I was division head for a group here at work (about 120 people). I took over when the ggroup was failing and was being considered for disbanding. We turned it around and once they were thriving again, I left. At my farewell lunch, they gave me this gerber daisy with a little, wooden bee in the pot. That became Momma Daisy. I've harvested her seeds and grown new gerbers from it. I went back about a year later and gave some of them Momma's daughters. She's been with me since about 2004 and just keeps blooming and blooming and blooming and blooming and blooming and blooming ...
