
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This Is Just Weird

Here's President Obama meeting with his middle-class task force.

This is a joke, right? The guy shows up to meetings with his podium, presidential seal and his teleprompters?

What would you think of your boss if he showed up with teleprompters?


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I think it would be fun if the boss and everybody else had a teleprompter. Imagine the hilarity as people tried to remember which screen was theirs to read, as their heads executed the president's trademark 45-degree clicks to the right and left...


  2. I dunno, it might be better than showing up with a PowerPoint presentation that is obviously standing in for handwritten notes, which is what I normally see. I think the only reason they don't use teleprompters is that they don't have them.

    And, apropos of nothing in particular, other than that I thought it was funny:

    This is the Title of a Typical Incendiary Blog Post

  3. To hell with the teleprompter, I can't think of anything more lame and condescending than a "middle class task force".

    Kiss my ass, Barry.

  4. Dean, I thought the same thing, but then I wondered if I misunderstood it and the Administration had divided their task forces along class lines - the Middle-Class one, the Upper-Class one, the Bourgeoise one and the Proletarian one.
