
Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Take on the iPad

I didn't see the presentation, but I've seen some of the preview videos and read some of the reviews. To me, the iPad seems a lot like a Lotus Exige. It's beautiful and would be fun to have, but it's got very limited utility.

On second thought, I'd rather have the Exige.


  1. You miserable Apple basher. The Exige does not have an app store.

  2. Want to outrun a cop car? There's an app for that.

    Want to impress a girl? There's an app for that, too.

  3. I saw the preview videos last night and was drooling--but of course the purpose of preview videos is to make you drool.

    After my instinctive reaction of, "Ooooh, shiny! I want one," began to wear off, I thought that maybe holding the gizmo on my knees to type was not such a good idea because (a) I use a wheelchair, and (b) I'm a total klutz. Probably has a lot to do with (a). Risk dropping a $500 state of the art computer every time I answer my e-mail? I think not. It does look like a pretty cool web surfing appliance and e-book reader, though.

  4. BTW, I used a Mac for years and loved it. A couple of years ago, for various reasons, I switched to a PC running the miserable piece of doody called Windows Vista. Worst mistake I ever made regarding a computer.

  5. Hey, KT: Off-topic comment: The NFL is threatening legal action against stores in New Orleans selling shirts and other gear with the phrase "Who Dat?" on them, on the grounds that the phrase is property of the NFL and its use on the clothes is unauthorized.

    Here's the link.

    Captchadef: Catino: n. a species of domestic feline originating in South or Central America.

  6. Niall, I didn't know that about the Who Dat shirts. That's pretty pathetic. How can the NFL own that phrase? They didn't come up with it.

  7. It looks like an enormous Ipod touch.

  8. meemsync, that's the general consensus of my friends at work who are big Apple fanboys.

  9. Last fall, I was thinking, this is just what I want. But it wasn't coming. And then came the Droid. Perfect. It's just what I wanted. The droid's one serious problem, is the vpn client doesn't work with what I can work with. Oh well.

    While I'm a big MacOS X fan, I'm not a fan of the way Apple puts together hardware. Long a weak point in a Mac laptop is the battery. They solve this by making the battery non-removable?

    Over Christmas, I had to replace the broken screen on my laptop. The part was nearly 2x the cost of a generic screen of the same resolution. The only visible differece is that it didn't have a couple of metal tabs for mounting.

    Lastly, my Time Capsule has gone belly up at 18 months. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSES. Power supply burns up because style and packaging is more important than proper cooling.

    I've been using Windows 7 for 6 months now, along side Leopard and Snow Leopard. There is no comparision. MacOS X is far superior. But the hardware has me very worried.
