
Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Feline Theocracy Endorses Scott Brown for US Senate

Here in San Diego, we're a long way away from Massachusetts, but as a nation, we're closing in on Federal tyranny. (See also: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, illegal, unlimited spending of.) On January 19, there's going to be a special election in Massachusetts to find a replacement for Ted Kennedy. It would be a cataclysmic repudiation of the galloping power grabs by the Obama Administration if Republican Scott Brown won.

Man, does this country ever need something like that.

Long-time blog friends Legal Insurrection and Sissy Willis have been leading the social networking charge for Scott. If he wins, we owe them all a big debt of gratitude. Thanks for fighting the good fight, guys!

Here at The Scratching Post, we unhesitatingly support Scott Brown for Senate. Please contribute to his cause if you can!

It is a catwa! You must support Scott Brown!


  1. Oh my! This must be serious! Our Maximum Leader hasn't emerged from the Catican in full regalia to issue a catwa in ages!

  2. Agreed in whole. I've spoke with what remains of the Lair's menagerie, (after Kitteh ate the Budgies)....and they support you with their Labwa, Foxwa, Lizwa and Catwa also....

    Couldn't say Frogwa, just sounds silly.

    *beside, I think they might be Democrats*
