
Monday, December 28, 2009

What a Day for an Instalanche!

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but today I got my second Instalanche. Yay! My hit count has been properly goosed and I've got a big grin on my face.

Unfortunately, this morning was not my typical blogging morning, so visitors don't have much to see. Last night, Bodie the Wonder Dog was up all night hearing phantom noises and leaping out of bed to run downstairs and check them out. Our Maximum Leader slept right next to me until around 3 when she informed me she needed to be let outside and fed. Around 4:30 she was back at the bedroom door, scratching to be let in so she could sleep next to me again. It was loads of fun, but not good for sleep.

I ended up sleeping in and didn't do my normal morning blog routine, so I didn't post anything other than a link. "What could go wrong with that?" I thought. WHAMMO! Instalanche! So here I am with all kinds of visitors coming in to the blog and me with nothing to offer them. It's like inviting lots of people over and serving them warm Cokes and old crackers and cheese.

My big chance at blogging fortune and fame blown. Well, maybe not fortune. :-)


  1. what's the hot topic people are coming in for? you know the referring source?

  2. I linked to the Puppy Blender's post than links to mine.

  3. KT, Congrats!

    Just wondering how that happens. I mean, other than writing a very good post. Does Instaglen have a host of InstaElves that scour the interwebs for worthy linkage?

  4. Dean, I've got no idea. I was wondering if a trusted source sent him a link. In case you were wondering, an Instalanche, at least in that case, was worth about 7,000 hits. I normally get between 150 and 350 a day.
