
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pulling off a Bank Heist

This one's for all of you out there who are tired of seeing those banker dudes get monster bonuses and big-time bailouts from all of us taxpayers*.

The house across the street from us is owned by a bank. No one lives there right now. We ran out of space in our trash cans this week, so yesterday I snuck over there and wheeled out their empty trash can to the street to get picked up today. I then filled it with our excess trash! We were stickin' it to The Man, I tells ya! The bank won't know what hit it. By the time those fatcat bloodsuckers get around to checking out their property, the can will be back in its original place. The perfect crime!

Soon to be a major motion picture!

* - Well, actually, just some of us are taxpayers. Over 40% of the population pays no taxes at all, so technically, they're all a bunch of parasites whining about the banks being even bigger parasites.


  1. I believe it's actually 40% of all Tax Filers pay no tax. The bottom 60% pay 1% of all income tax.

  2. First vist, like your eclectism.

    But 40% "pays no taxes" is false -- they pay no Fed. Income Tax.
    But gas tax, SS tax, unemployment tax, etc., they pay.
    And local property tax, either directly or as part of their rent.

    However, the political truth about income/ envy tax is that, if 40% don't pay it, they are likely to keep supporting higher marginal rates.

    Which is most stupid ... for them. Since higher rates mean less new jobs, and lower wages, especially for ... the lower non-(income)taxpayers.

  3. Tom, fair enough.
