
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Public School

Had a meeting today with some testing folks at our local public middle school. Great Caesar's Ghost, they had at least 4 times the staff as our Catholic school and a front office worthy of Google. And the end result? Worse results.

I think they need more funding.


  1. What's that old saying about too many cooks spoiling the broth? Or too many chiefs and not enough Indians? Sorry, I guess that second one should be "too many chiefs and not enough Native Americans" . . . or "indigenous peoples" or some such.

  2. I commiserate. Our school district is building a 60 million dollar high school - for about 800 students.

    I hope more people start noticing that our public servants are acting more like lords.

  3. My kids are way ahead of the public school kids, and our school is barely squeaking by. Teachers took a pay cut last year.

    We didn't lose one.
