
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Location, Location, Location

When we moved into this house, I parked my big, blogging desktop machine out in the garage. That's where we thought our Maximum Leader was going to have to live to prevent my new wife from suffering from allergy attacks. Now, just a few months later, our Maximum Leader sleeps right next to me every night and has figured out how to use the doggy door to get in any time she wants. My wife's allergic reactions have been mild if not non-existant.

That leaves my blogging tools out in the garage and me elsewhere most of the time. Photoblogging has become difficult because both the camera and the photo editing software is now out of the way. Spontaneous shots have become unspontaneous and posting photos of our Maximum Leader, Momma Daisy or sunrises/sunsets a thing of the past.

I think it's time to rearrange some furniture.

So where do you do your blogging or blog-surfing?


  1. You OWE it to Maximum Leader's fans! :)

  2. On a laptop, where ever I'm sitting. Very often on the kitchen table wen we're no using it for meals.

    I of course never do it at work! ;)

  3. The computer is upstairs in the office/spare bedroom, right next to a drafting table that has been converted to an insect macrophotography studio. There is a child-gate at the base of the stairs keeping small children from going upstairs while I am not around. This is not a coincidence.

    I'm very close to just permanently tethering the camera to the computer, but it would be a bit more convenient if I first get the AC adaptor so I won't have to unmount the camera from the macro stage to swap batteries.

  4. On my desk top in one of the spare bedrooms.

    Speaking of which... I will be purchasing (dudes don't shop - we buy) a lap top to make my blogging more mobile/portable. I am not very tech savvy so I welcome suggestions from the congregation.
