
Saturday, November 14, 2009

What We've Learned So Far

... absolutely nothing.
Exactly who made Bernadine Shimon think that she could buy a new house shortly after declaring bankruptcy and losing another home to foreclosure? The American taxpayer, that’s who.

Without a Federal Housing Administration willing to guarantee a $125,000-plus mortgage, this Denver-area schoolteacher’s recurring “dream of homeownership” could not come to pass. Shimon’s down payment was a tiny 3.5 percent.

This single mother is so strapped that she had to cash in her retirement savings to come up with the 3.5 percent ...

(C)ommittee Chairman Barney Frank of Massachusetts insists that these mortgages are needed to “keep prices from falling too fast.”
Hope and change.


  1. Is there some kind of stigma surrounding renting? Or has the real estate industry so thoroughly brainwashed us?

  2. Doesn't it feel like home ownership is being treated like just one more right or entitlement? The thought that Ms. Shimon has to earn her house before she can own it is totally alien to these people.

  3. Exactly K T Cat.........
