
Thursday, October 01, 2009

What's with Everybody this Morning?

Our Maximum Leader is trying to get into the house like water flowing downstream. She's right at the front door, struggling to slither around people's legs and get inside. Meanwhile, Bodie the Wonder Dog is barking at things that aren't there.

I can't imagine I missed a full moon. After all, I'm the nocturnal one.

Update: OK, now I get it. The workmen are here to finish the neighborhood fencing jobs. Sheesh! What a lot of turmoil over a few boards being nailed up! Whatever. I'm going to sleep.


  1. Just because you can't see what Bodie is looking at doesn't mean it isn't there!

  2. As Belle, the Most Wondrous of All Wonder Dogs, sez:

    It's the stuff you can't see that you have to worry about.
