
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Praise Jesus!

I have long envied my friend's Arrooophone (iPhone). I've got a Blackberry Curve and while it does what I need to do adequately, it just can't compete with the Arrooophone. I've seen these ads and wondered what the fuss was all about.

(Why, yes, I do live in a cave, why do you ask?)

Anyway, the Droid is a Motorola phone running Google's Android operating system and it will be available on my Verizon network. I just read a bunch of reviews which all say something like this one.

Just about anyone who has come in contact with the phone can’t stop talking about it. And from what we hear, they have good reason.

The phone is a three-way effort between Motorola, Verizon and Google. It looks a lot like the iPhone, and may even be as thin or thinner than the iPhone 3GS. It also has two key advantages over the iPhone – a slide out physical keyboard, and use of the Verizon network ...

The Droid poses a different and more significant challenge to the iPhone than any other phone to date ... According to people who’ve handled the device, the Droid is the most sophisticated mobile device to hit the market to date from a hardware standpoint.
There was another that said something to the effect of "Don't be surprised if you see people leaving the iPhone for the Droid."

I can't wait.


  1. I bought a g1 (first android phone) when it was released a year ago. Every morning, my g1 wakes up, finds three or four iPhones, and kicks their butts. Then it calculates pi to a billion digits to warm up for the day.

    Warning: I am an Apple heretic, having fallen from the faith in 1991, after having tithed about ten grand to his holiness Steve. Like ex-smokers, I passionately hate the drug that enslaved me. So take my endorsement of a non-Apple product with a pinch of pixels.

  2. iDon't understand the commercial. They call it a "droid?" They couldn't come up with anything cooler than that? Is it a tall, skinny, neurotic droid with a prissy English accent like C3PO, or is it a short, stubby thing looks like a cross between a bullet and a mailbox and beeps and chirps like R2D2?

  3. I certainly hope it lives up to its hype.
    I am a Mac convert. In 1991, I didn't expect Apple to be around in 2000. Without Jobs, they wouldn't have. Been a true Unix geek, MacOSX was the perfect PC. Still is.
    I don't have an ArrraaPhone for two reasons. 1) It's AT&T. 2) I work for a dying phone company that can't handle it's own wireless, and so we have a "partnership" with Verison. The company pays for my phone.

    I want an iPod Touch so I can use the VPN and VNC to connect into work. Music and LOLcats app are just bonuses. If the droid can VPN and VNC (or RDC), then I'm in, and I only have to carry 1 thing.

    Truth is, reason 2 is probably only a half reason. I could rationalize my way to an iPhone, if it weren't on AT&T.

  4. MN, I'm in partial agreement with both you and Jeff. I think Apple is the most overhyped, overpriced product line in existence, but if I could have gotten the Arroophone on Verizon, I would have done it.

    Since that's not going to happen, I'll settle for a Droid.
