
Thursday, October 15, 2009

An Inauspicious Start

OK, so here we are in Vegas, just about to walk over to the Convention Center and go to Blogworld. It all seems so easy ...

Everything packed? Check!
Alarm went off in time? Check!
Wander into the bathroom - do they have an in-room coffee maker? Check!
Two foil pouches of coffee? Check!
Take a look at the first one - decaf. Hmm, well, we had a 50-50 chance of getting it right the first time, so let's just open the second, which is ... also decaf!



  1. Decaffeinated coffee/tea
    Caffeine free/sugar free colas
    Non-alcoholic beer

    Here we have things that, to my mind, uniformly taste nasty. Their original forms only exist as transport media for caffeine/sugar/alcohol. When you take out the thing that they were supposed to transport, I have just one thing to say:

    Good God, man, what's the *point*?

    Personally, I think it would be a lot more useful if, instead of decaf coffee, they put out hot chocolate. At least that would taste decent. I bet that a large majority of people would choose to drink hot chocolate rather than decaffeinated coffee, if the hotels would just put it to the test.

    This is related to something I've noticed: When you have a pot-luck party, the soft drinks that people bring are almost always coke or pepsi, or sometimes mountain dew. They never bring root beer. *But*, if you *do* bring root beer, *that is what will get drunk first!* There is a fundamental disconnect between what everybody *things* other people want to drink, and what they *actually* want to drink. This probably comes from people forgetting to apply the golden rule: provide drinks unto others as you would have drinks provided unto you.

  2. Tim, you always make me smile.


  3. so you tweet the fail along with the name of the hotel. if they have an active social media campaign going, they'll see your tweet and rectify the issue. Or you could also call and ask for regular coffee ;)

  4. I usually go down to the lobby-- there's almost always coffee somewhere, and it's usually stronger than the coffee maker in the room makes it.

    (of course, I also take the packets home to my folks so they can have coffee when the power goes out, without having to deal with loose grounds-- it's just like a giant tea bag!)

    Of course, with the kid, I'm kinda stuck drinking decaf anyways.... I even found a de-alcoholized wine called "Fre" for my baby shower...

    -.- One more month!

  5. Foxie, I had no idea you were with child. How wonderful! I guess I wasn't reading your blog closely enough. Congratulations!

  6. *laughs* Oh, good, I thought I was complaining about it too much!
