
Monday, October 19, 2009

A Book Recommendation for Anita Dunn

I think that Obama's communications director, Anita Dunn, might want to read Hungry Ghosts before she prattles praise about Chairman Mao again.
This first authoritative expose of the 1958-1962 famine prompted by China's collectivization plan, "The Great Leap Forward," comes at a time when the cult of Mao is alive and well inside China, and while agents of Chinese influence are able to arrange audiences with a President. Via his painstaking research and reporting that included two treks through interior Chinese provinces, Becker tells how the famine occurred because ill-trained peasants were forced to undertake a gigantic and centralized industrial and agricultural expansion. The new factories, canals, and irrigation systems failed spectacularly, and in contrast to propaganda boasts of having economically outstripped the U.S., when in reality the populace was driven by starvation to cannibalism, slavery, and madness.
That Mao. What a joker!

1 comment:

  1. KT, there are few things that enrage me more than supposedly educated people that hold people like Mao and their ideology in any regard whatsoever.

