
Friday, October 16, 2009

Blogworld 09 - The Opening Night Party

... it rocked. See for yourself.


  1. Well, to be honest, while I am aware that many other people are very fond of that sort of thing, if I stumble into a party like that, the noise, crowding, and difficulty in seeing clearly make all my instincts immediately throw me into a state of high alert, and I'm not really happy until I can GET OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTAAAAGH!

    Well, OK, not quite that bad, but you get the idea. It's not really an attraction for me, is what I'm driving at. You can have it.

    I don't spend much time in bars or at sporting events, either, for similar reasons.

  2. I'm not the big party guy, either, but I had a great time last night. My friend and I left early, though. You can't have a lot of fun without your wife. We wished they'd been with us. We'd have closed the place down.
