
Sunday, October 25, 2009

America Stole Everything

... and oppressed everyone and that's why we're strong*. At least that's what my kids learned in Social Studies in grade school. But that leads me to this question:

If being ravening, vicious bastards was the key to success, then how come the Aztecs don't rule the world?

Those crazy Aztecs - they really knew how to rock and roll all night and party every day!

* - To be accurate, white, male America stole everything and oppressed everyone.


  1. White Euro Males are worse because they killed Azetc priests when they wouldn't stop worshiping!

    (....Much, much irony, here; "worship" means "torturing people to death for their gods." Sadly, I've actually seen this argued....)

  2. Here's another P.C. dodge: At the same time the Aztecs were sacrificing human, Europeans were burning witches. Mesoamericans killed people for religious reasons, Europeans killed people for religious reasons. Just a variation on the same tune and no reason to prefer one culture over another.
