
Friday, September 04, 2009

So What's the Big Deal about Van Jones?

Van Jones is our new Green Jobs Czar (or something like that). He's also a racist lunatic. Apparently he's got a colorful past wherein he's been a communist, a radical, a rioter, an inmate and all manner of other things. It came out recently that he was/is a 9/11 Truther. I recall seeing something where he accused whites of polluting areas where blacks live. Believe me, I can't think of anything less interesting than retracing my steps to find that luscious tidbit.

Here's why.

Among all of his other past careers, Van Jones has the one key element on his resume that makes him perfect for this administration. He's a loser. He hasn't done a single thing that has ever affected my life, your life or anyone else's, nor have any of his pathetic little clubs, gangs or committees. For example, Van was a member of Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). You remember STORM don't you? They're the ones who ... who ... who , err, um, well, didn't do anything at all. I'm sure they organized and met and wrote manifestos and maybe they even marched or yelled. It resulted in nothing. The guy's a cipher, a digit, a speck. He means absolutely nothing. To fuss about what he's done in his past is to make a tempest not in a teapot, but on a fragment of a tea leaf in a teapot.

Update: Here's a good sketch of STORM. Pathetic.

Oh sure, you could get all exorcised about Van Jones being a demented bigot, but so what? Obama's past is positively encrusted with demented bigots. What do you think they talked about on the steps of Trinity Church after one of Rev. Wright's particularly stirring sermons? Were they discussing who was going to bring the potato salad to the picnic next week? Do you suppose Barack's fellow congregationalists talked in calm, even tones about the weather and bus schedules? The place must have been a snake pit of demented bigots.

So now there's one more and he's in the White House. Well, whoop-de-doo. He's the freakin' green jobs czar. Can you think of a more worthless position? What's he do all day, discuss how many people it takes to change a CFL? He's probably doing the same thing now that he did when he was a member of STORM.


Maybe as the Green Jobs Czar he could come over and plant a lawn in my front yard. It would be the first productive thing he's ever done.


  1. Do these Czars love or hate America??? Are they communists for real or are they for Freedom that America stands for??

  2. In addition to his meaningless position, he has so thoroughly marginialized himself, he would wield just as much power within the administration as he would without: zero

    Link forthcoming

  3. Van Jones just bought the farm. High profile will burn you every time. Ask Heidi Fleiss about what happens to high profile people. But I have more respect for Heidi. She was a capitalist. Great blog.

  4. al, I think these czars love themselves and their worldview.

  5. I am not surprised that he denied it. Why wouldn't he read something he signed?
