
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama, Explained

I'm on travel and am spending my time in search of a good Atlantic sunrise, so the original content here at the 'Post is pretty slim right now. Even were I home with my big desktop PC, dual monitors and spacious keyboard, I'd still post this link and excerpt.

Victor Davis Hanson has been both the leftist academic and the rough-handed farmer. I always enjoy his work, but this one, suggesting that Obama is the College Administrator President, is particularly excellent. Here's a teaser.
For many in the academic community who have not worked with their hands, run businesses, or ventured far off campus, Middle America is an exotic place inhabited by aborigines who bowl, don’t eat arugula, and need to be reminded to inflate their tires. They are an emotional lot, of some value on campus for their ability to “fix” broken things like pipes and windows, but otherwise wisely ignored. Professor Chu, Obama’s energy secretary, summed up the sense of academic disdain that permeates this administration with his recent sniffing about the childish polloi: “The American people . . . just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act.” Earlier, remember, Dr. Chu had scoffed from his perch that California farms were environmentally unsound and would soon disappear altogether, “We’re looking at a scenario where there’s no more agriculture in California.”
When you review what the president said yesterday at the UN, his hopelessly naive suggestion that the gathered tyrants, thieves and mass-murderers really could get together and uphold international law if they just tried, makes sense.

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