
Monday, September 21, 2009

Moral Anesthesia

By now, I'm sure you've heard of the videos of the ACORN workers helping a pair posing as a pimp and a prostitute trying to import underage El Salvadoran girls to work as sex slaves. If you haven't seen them, you can check out one of the videos here.

I'll say it again. ACORN was happy to help these two import children to work as sex slaves. This is far, far worse than Abu Ghraib or Michael Vick's dogfighting ring and, in fact, systemically worse than anything I've seen in a long, long time.

The lack of outrage on the part of the media is the most frightening part of the whole thing. It indicates a moral anesthesia that is alien to me. This should have been jaw-droppingly horrific to them, but apparently it's not that bad.

Abu Ghraib stories ran on the front pages of the NYT every day for 40+ days. They dominated the news. People were outraged and the thing became a rallying point for protests. Where is the proportional response? I just don't see it.

Children being imported as sex slaves is just not that big of a deal. Why?

PS: Let me know when 60 Minutes gets on the case.

Elsewhere: Our Monks of Miscellaneous Musings claim it's evidence of media bias, but it has to be much deeper than that. Doesn't utter revulsion of underage sex slaves cross political lines?


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    We need to import the child sex slaves because there are some jobs that americans just won't do. You should take pride in those americans.

    (end snark)

  2. For some, morality is simply a club with which to beat one's opponents. Another word for this kind of person is Pharisee.

  3. KT, I think we are in violent agreement about how the outrage should be reaching across the aisle.

    I did not ponder the Abu Ghraib angle.

    Link forthcoming.

  4. Jeff, I'm simply dumbfounded at the notion that protecting your political allies overrides the importation of child sex slaves.

  5. Dean, thanks forthcoming.


  6. As an indication of how low the left and the MSM have sunk, I would have been surprised if they had been outraged by it. Idiots, all of them.

  7. It kind of makes sense, really... Well, not really, but sort of like.

    They're all about stopping work-related sexual exploitation-- but not with Clinton.
    They're all about the good race relations-- but didn't mind horrific racist jokes about Dr. Rice, for example.
    All about taxes, but don't mind Dems cheating on them.

    Under-aged sex is something they defend.
    The "right" to pay for sex is something they defend.
    Why would we expect a bigger response for a horrific combination of two things they support than they had for individual things they *oppose*?

  8. Tough to take the hypocrisy and the media "blind eye". The best defense was found in John Stewart's video posted on Ms. Fier's blog. When it reaches the comic liberal talk shows, maybe the American dolts will pay attention.
