
Saturday, August 08, 2009

Laptop Purchase Update

$1100 later, we have the lowest end Macbook with a 13" screen.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a Mac convert. I thought through the 80s and 90s that Apple would be out of business by the year 2000. But they brought Jobs back in, and it is still with us.
    I've used DOS, and Windows since 2.0, we may have had 1.0 but that was a joke. Everything from Microsoft is a joke until you get to version 3. Where's Zune?
    I've been a Unix person since about '86. The X window system is way past retirement, something needs to replace it. Until there's something real there, Linux will not be mainstream.
    Want something to replace it, it's here. Aqua.

    MacOS is much more stable than Windows. I'm running W7 release canidate. It's ok, nothing great. And it runs most everything I need, except my GPS programs.

    At home, I can share files between the Macs and the PCs. Windows is always the barrior. Printing is a bit of an issue, the XP print sharing is so awful and unstable that I put a A/B usb switch in. Needed the scanning on the PC for my wife, otherwise, it would have been remote to the Mac.

    As to size. I like 15 in laptops. 17 are just too big. It's a luggable. Reminds me of the orignal Compaqs or the IBM boat anchor we had back in '87. 13 is a little small, but I was happy with my 12in iBook for many years.

    Hope he likes garage band, we mess with it very occationally.
