
Monday, August 10, 2009

How About a Tea Party Protest at an Auto Dealership?

So I was driving around San Diego yesterday when I went past a Chrysler dealership that had two signs of the times. The first was a big banner informing you that the president wanted you to buy a new car. The second was a swarm of lawn signs advertising their participation in the Cash for Clunkers scam. I'll try to go back today and get some photos, but I don't know if I'll have the time. In any case, this got me angry and made me think: Why not have a Tea Party protest at an auto dealership?

As I drove by, all I could think of was how we were all running up yet more debt to hand cash to the people who were walking around the lot, turning in perfectly usable cars for destruction. I don't like that idea at all and the only thing I could think of to stop it would be to protest.

I would bet that the news media would cover such a thing. The dealership would completely freak out and would do anything to get you to leave. It would be a total circus.

It might even bring out the Nazi rent-a-mobs. You know, people like this:

To see more such people, check out this link.

H/T: Secular Apostate.


  1. Anybody ever going to point out that Nazis were Socialist?

    *oh, I guess I did*

  2. THE WIFE and I have the same worry. More debt which people couldn't pay for on their houses now going to pay on cars they can't afford.

    The cure is worse than the disease.
