
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Enough Beating Up John Edwards Already

Apparently John Edwards has another love child. Or is being forced to admit to the first one. Or something like that. I have to admit I haven't followed all the breathless gossip about the guy. I click past the stories that keep popping up on the news sites.

John Edwards, whatever his personal failings may be, is famous for his assertion that there are two Americas, one rich and one poor. I agree with him. He brought one of our greatest problems as a nation into the spotlight, but it's all being lost now in the mindless pursuit of how much sex he had with who. It's all so uninteresting. His career is finished while the problem he pointed out lives on for tens of millions.

The only reason I can think of for the fascination with his personal life and that of others like John Ensign is that the press is simply too stupid and too unsophisticated to be able to discuss the substance of his assertions in an entertaining fashion.

The guy did us a favor, but we didn't recognize it.


  1. The link to your earlier musings does not comport with Edwards' schtick. And I use the word schtick on purpose. The left will never link class/poverty with moral values and behavior. Never, never, never. Why? Because there would then be fewer reasons for trillion dollar government programs.

  2. Jeff, I quite agree that Edwards had the mechanisms for failure wrong. However, he was the only modern, major public figure talking about the two Americas that I can think of.
