
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An End to Partisanship

... is impossible when you politicize everything by sucking it into the government. Dig this video from ABC News wherein a devoted father whose son has cerebral palsy screams at Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) until the police have to escort him out of the room.

The screaming and arguing is exactly what you'd expect when you move decisions out from the world of earning what you get and into the world of government distribution of goods and services.


  1. Not just government distribution - but a very expensive way fo doing things - not just in terms of liberties lost -

    Take the $4,500 cash for Clunkers deal - in order for the government to have that $4,500 to give away, the nation had to earn, what? $9,000? More?

    Government taking money and doling it back in the form of grants has got to be one of the most inefficient models.

    Then you factor in human nature, with all pigs being equal but some pigs being more equal than others, and we are scrooooood.

  2. With an anger that palpable you'd have thought that guy actually read the bill.
