
Friday, July 03, 2009

We Need Another Stimulus!

... so says that econogenius, Paul Krugman. His work is so bad, so obviously stupid that quoting and snarking is usually too easy to be any real fun. Today's brain bolus from him has a slight, brief exception.
O.K., Thursday’s jobs report settles it. We’re going to need a bigger stimulus ...

Wait — there’s more bad news: the fiscal crisis of the states. Unlike the federal government, states are required to run balanced budgets. And faced with a sharp drop in revenue, most states are preparing savage budget cuts, many of them at the expense of the most vulnerable.
I would bet that if the states cut out all programs and benefits that didn't exist in, say, 1985, and funded the remainder in the amount had they only kept up with inflation, they'd all be sitting on mountains of cash.

Of course, such a plan would no doubt lead us right back to the living hell that was 1985.

Who can forget the scenes like this one, so common in 1985?


  1. Tiki here, i need more cats in my empire, so please go to my (and a kitten's) blog
    Tiki the Great

  2. Ah yes, 1985. The Rise of Reagan. When putrefying corpses littered the streets of dingy, collapsing American cities and starving, skeletal children wandered the countryside in search of a discarded cob or a rotting potato to gnaw.

    I remember it well, with horror.

    singies: (SING ees; n, pl) the little snippets of popular songs that replay in one's head for hours

  3. Loved the illustration. The worst thing about 1985 was that I was deep in my Macintosh infatuation period. [shudder]

  4. When you have marched down the path as far as Krugman has there really is no turning back so better to continue in beclowning yourself rather than admit that you may have been wrong.
