
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sgt. Crowley to Visit the White House, Rev. Wright Strangely not Invited

I blame them Jews.

Here's the story.
July 28 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama is bringing Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge, Massachusetts, police Sergeant James Crowley to the White House on July 30, an administration official said last night.
So a cop of unimpeachable character is going to meet with a president whose spiritual mentor is a racist, anti-semitic lunatic and a professor who is ignorant of English literature and a philistine who provides the intellectual top cover for race-baiters like Al Sharpton.

What? You didn't know this about the good Professor? Mark Steyn has the details.
I confess I've been wary of taking Henry Louis Gates at his word ever since, almost two decades back, the literary scholar compared the lyrics of the rap group 2 Live Crew to those of the Bard of Avon. "It's like Shakespeare's 'My love is like a red, red rose,'" he declared, authoritatively, to a court in Fort Lauderdale.

As it happens, "My luv's like a red, red rose" was written by Robbie Burns, a couple of centuries after Shakespeare. Oh, well. 16th century English playwright, 18th century Scottish poet: What's the diff? Evidently being within the same quarter-millennium and right general patch of the North-East Atlantic is close enough for a professor of English and Afro-American Studies appearing as an expert witness in a court case. Certainly no journalist reporting Gates' testimony was boorish enough to point out the misattribution.
It's a further tribute to the press that they haven't brought up the good reverend in the middle of this episode. Of course, had Sgt. Crowley, in a previous vocation, been a UPS driver who was invited in to David Duke's house for a cup of coffee after a delivery, that 10-minute conversation with David Duke about the Atlanta Falcons would be all over the news as proof positive that Sgt. Crowley had been just inches away from thrashing Professor Gates with his nightstick.

Oh well. It's such a pity we don't have a free press any more. Wouldn't it be lovely to see someone bring up this?


  1. Good lord, is there anybody Obama is associated with that is not a complete dutch-bag?

    Hell for me would be having to attend an Obama dinner party. Who would I hang out with?

  2. I mean... I really, really got excited when I saw a headline yesterday: "Gates heads to Iraq" before I realized... well, you know.

  3. Where's the beer for Lucia Whalen?

  4. B-Daddy, no beer for Lucia. She's a racist.
