
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Serious Blogging

... can be found at both the Secular Apostate and our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings. Both are blogging up a storm. I had a serious, venomous debt snark written, but decided not to post it. Instead, we're in the holiday mood, bringing cash* to financially hurting Hawaii. Their local paper had a front page article yesterday about how badly the tourism trade is doing. I really feel for them. They're good people doing their best with the raw materials they have - a beautiful location and terrific weather.

I'm also blegging here for some prayers for our Holy Scribe who is under the weather. Stop by and leave him some kind words if you can.

* - Yes, that means cash, not plastic debt. No credit cards were harmed (or used) in the making of this vacation.

1 comment:

  1. KT, thanks for the plug. I'm humbled to be mentioned in the same blog-breath as SA. Hope you and your daughter are having a great time.

    Hey, speaking of which... howz aboot some futbol updates?
