
Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Need Some Help

I'm looking for the keys to my truck. Does anyone know where I left them? Leave your suggestions in the comments.


  1. They'll be in the last place you look.

  2. ligneus6:27 PM

    Things are always in the last place you look because once you've found them you stop looking. The longest it took me to find my keys, they'd been pushed off my desk and had fallen into the wastepaper basket. Once Obama has turned us all into angels in his Otopia, we won't even need keys any more. Won't that be nice?

  3. "They'll be in the last place you look."

    Speak for yourself. I sometimes get carried away by the things I find in the course of the search, and keep on rummaging for a while even after finding what I was originally looking for.

  4. Since Rose isn't here, I'll help. They're in the refrigerator behind the milk.

    Any time, I'm here for ya.

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I think they are in the bathroom because you ran in and forgot to pick them back up when you were done.
