
Monday, July 06, 2009

Heading to Hawaii

... for a soccer tournament for my daughter. She's so excited, she could practically fly there herself.

This is a big deal for us. It was an expensive trip, but one that is very well worth it. I was determined to have her go with her team to reward her for her hard work and to encourage her to stick with the sport. She's just starting to get good at it and the payoffs are showing up all over her life. There's nothing like making a strong connection between hard work, success and fun to motivate hard work in other areas.

Unlike our trip to Santa Clara last week, I'll be travelling with a heavy footprint this time. That means the big laptop, the Nikon artillery piece camera and even a secondary camera - a little point and shoot one. We're packing our own snorkeling gear as well as her soccer stuff. We'll be there for a week and I have no intention of roughing it either in our activities or in blogging. My laptop has Photoshop and Premiere, so I can do multimedia editing albeit a bit slowly because of the small processor.

I hope your week will be as fun and rewarding as mine. More posts to follow once we land and get settled.



  1. Save money ol' buddy.....tell the bride to be it's an "early" honeymoon......might work.

    *oh never mind.....*

    Have a great time!!

  2. Living in San Diego and vacationing in Hawaii.

    Isn't that gilding the lily, Senor Gato?

  3. P.S. Have a fabulous time.

  4. Have a great time and wish your daughter good luck on the game.

  5. Best of luck to your daughter's team! Have a wonderful time!

    capchadef: aquatort (n): a legal action in civil court involving water, as in "The dispute over water rights led to an aquatort in district court."
