
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cowardice is Contagious

... you can catch it from your allies. Dig this.
A series of attacks in Afghanistan that left four U.S. Marines and eight British soldiers dead in recent days has stoked growing concern among U.S. and allied forces over a spike in battlefield deaths as thousands of new American troops pour into the country.
That's 12 killed. Not 1200 or 120, but 12 and it's got certain governments wondering why they should stick around.
The mounting losses have contributed to the growing criticism of the war in some NATO countries. It has been a divisive issue in Britain, Canada, Germany and France, all of which have all lost soldiers in recent months.
This is what led to 9/11. When we ran away from Somalia, Osama bin Laden concluded that we had no stomach for a fight. He was wrong while George W. Bush was in office, but now ...

This generation of Americans didn't run away.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, did you see the smoking ban monitor scrambling over those Marines? Yeah, neither did I.
