
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Peron Instead of Mussolini?


Peron pushed redistribution policies throughout his country in an earnest desire to improve the lot of the working classes that made up the base of his supporters. The problem, a significant amount of wealth was stolen by people around him, capital flight began as international business looked for safer pastures, and the workers themselves began to demand more pay for less work, a totally natural desire but when taken to an extreme capable of destroying a nation's economy. Even worse was the dramatic expansion of the state as government owned enterprises became corrupted by massive featherbedding and incompetence.


  1. Reading more about Peron, it turns out he was a big admirer of Mussolini. Ah well, six of one, half a dozen of the other.

  2. I guess you mean more pay for less work.

  3. Corrected! Thanks for the tip. The error was in the original post I excised.
