
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Laurence Simon, Artist

One of my blogging inspirations and the originator of the Carnival of the Cats, Laurence Simon, is big into Second Life. While I don't partake in that pleasure, I love what he's done there. Here's a taste.

Here's more.


  1. My son used to say, "I can make that in Bryce!" much to his sister's annoyance. It became a catch phrase for anything anyone in the family wanted to do.

    He really was good - this stuff reminds me of all that - the photos of textures around campus, the gum on sidewalks, the rust on garbage cans, the gritty details of reality incorporated into digital art... pretty cool.

    captcha: religor

  2. I've used Bryce myself and I really loved the results.
