
Monday, April 20, 2009

UC Santa Cruz

... had one of the requirements established by my son in last week's college tour trip.


With that determining factor established, we could move on to other, less important ones.

It turns out that 17-year-old boys have different criteria than their fathers. In any case, UCSC was a decent enough school. The requirements to get into some of the other science and engineering schools along the coast are outrageously high. My alma mater, UCSD, would never have let me in had I applied today with the grades I had in high school.


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    They keep the engineering requirements very high in order to only attract the sorts of geeks who don't surf. Don't want to clutter up the beach with engineers, you know.


  2. Home of the Fighting Banana Slugs?

    Capchadef: strawy-made of straw

  3. When we went around the UC system with our oldest, the quote at UC Santa Barbara was the best.

    The student taking the parents on the campus tour got to where he was showing us the dorms. He took us to the dorm 100 ft from the beach. He said, "The best thing about UCSB is that the beach is always right there. The worst part about UCSB is that the beach is always right there."
