
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sorry About the Tone of the Blog

Every day I want to change the tone of this blog. I'm getting tired of these endless "Holy @%#^*&, did you see this? This is insane! We're all screwed!" posts. But then I come downstairs, get my cup of coffee and sit down and find out that we've just taken over GM and handed it over to the UAW or we're $2T in debt or we're starting some new game show program where thousands of dollars will be given away to every contestant (person making under some nominal income). I then proceed to beat my head against the keyboard and the typical post comes out.

Sorry about that.


  1. Do not apologize.

    Outside of perhaps, VDH and Charles Krauthammer, everyone is treating this whole wretched ordeal with the same cool detachment that is credited to our CEO-in-Chief. It's all about temperament, you know.

    Well, eff-that, dude. I'm not going quietly into the night and neither should you.

    Except for right now, because it's late and I need some sleep.

  2. Do not be sorry about it! For God's sake we need people to speak out. The media certainly isn't dealing with any of this honestly. Every day its another blow, and Obama is at war with us, his own people. Soon he'll have his own ACORN stormtroopers.

    If we're still going to have a country in 3 years it will be because people like you worked to get the word out and kept it up.

    Besides, you have to get the poison out of your system, and the blog helps with that.

    May you help prevent 1984.
