
Monday, April 20, 2009

It Looks Like a Shower Curtain to Me

Time Magazine, in another hard-hitting essay, drools over Michelle Obama and what she wore on the World Apology Tour 2009 stop in Europe.

Honestly, it looks like she stole the shower curtain from the hotel bathroom and wrapped it around herself. Of course, if she had, Time would drooling over that, too.

I hadn't planned on posting about this, I just came across this photo as I was clicking around the Interweb Tubes.


  1. Jedi Knight Ivyan7:24 AM

    It does nothing for her.

    Ironic how the Republicans were roasted for buying Palin a bunch of designer clothing and Michelle Obama is being treated like an icon. Her inaugural gown didn't do anything for her either. Either she doesn't want to show off her figure or she doesn't have one.

  2. Secular Apostate7:58 AM

    It only resembles a Motel 6 shower curtain. Note the complete absence of rings. It's actually the latest flower garden camo for low-light applications. You never know when you'll be assaulted by a cadre of aging disabled veterans during a nocturnal visit to the certified organic cutting garden.

    seerers (SEE-er-ers; n, plural) formal term for left-wing ecologists and climate scientists in the Gaian Church hierarchy

  3. Secular, you make a good point. You never know how many of those right-wing, veteran terrorists that DHS has identified could be gardeners. You can't take too many precautions, I always say.

    My captcha word was "outtie." That's just too easy.

  4. I have yet to see any photo that makes her look "fashionable".

    And guess what... I could not care less. If she's happy with how she looks, good on her, and to heck with anybody else.

    Now guess what #2... I just don't see why the media gives a darn, or thinks we do.

  5. I must check that old Chesterfield I put out in the garage, that material looks awful familiar. [Which is why it's out in the garage.]

  6. Ligneus, I was afraid of that. Now don't go becoming a right wing terrorist if it so happens that she stole the upholstery off your couch for her dress.

    Leave that to the returning veterans.
