
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Cat Noir

I liked the way this photo played out - a black and white Maximum Leader with jail cell shadows across her looking like a scene from a 1940s detective movie.

She loves me deeply, this I know. Cats aren't as dramatically expressive as dogs, but you can see her express it in her subtle, feline way. When I'm sitting at the computer, I look up and she's on a chair nearby staring at me. She's been there for a while, just drinking in the sight of me. No sounds, no movement, just intently watching what I'm doing. When I come home at night, she sometimes comes halfway across the street to greet me. When I'm folding laundry in the bedroom, she lays on the carpet nearby. A few words spoken to her elicit a purr, delighted stretching and rolling around on her back.

It's a complex, soft and quiet kind of love.

"A dog, I have always said, is prose; a cat is a poem." - Jean Burden


  1. Yes, a very nice photo of her. As a species we don't give enough credit to the intelligence and emotion of social animals.

  2. That's a great photo and a beautiful description of feline devotion.
