
Monday, March 02, 2009

If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough

The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things than I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.
That was Joseph Goebbels discussing President Obama. Or at least I think it was. Here's the latest mind-blowing quote from The One. He's talking about his proposed budget which shovels mounds of borrowed money into every liberal special interest group ever conceived.
I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they’re gearing up for a fight as we speak.

My message to them is this: So am I.
I suppose I should scour the MSM to see how they're reacting to this bald-faced lie. The Stimuloid Porkgasm™ was the largest feeding frenzy of lobbyists and special interests in the history of the world; the FY2009 omnibus spending bill he just signed contained over 900 earmarks. This is the old way of doing things as in "the way they did them during President Harding's time."


I wonder if any of the leg-tinglers in the MSM are starting to feel queasy about helping to elect this child-demagogue?


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I love the whole lobbyist-abuse tack. One of the things Hillary got right during the campaign is that lobbyists represent real people. They're paid to present the ideas and opinions of the people who can't go to their government in person.

    To stifle lobbyists is to stifle the people. If the lobbyists don't like something, there's a good chance the people don't like it either.

    And as I type this, the dow opened at its lowest level since over a decade ago. Dow 6000? Yes We Can!

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Just one question:

    What's a "leg-tingler"?

  3. Tim, that refers to Chris Matthews' quote about getting tingles up his leg after hearing an Obama speech.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    "child demagogue". I like that, I might just steal it!
