
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Does Anyone Else See This Coming?

I've got a creepy feeling that Obama is going to abandon Afghanistan. I've seen a smattering of thought pieces written questioning if the Afghan campaign is worth the effort. The Obama Administration's searching for "moderate Taliban"* with whom to negotiate. That smacks of undercutting the Afghan government just like he betrayed Poland and Czechloslovakia to the Russians.

I'm wondering if when warmer weather comes and the Taliban starts killing people in larger numbers, if all of this groundwork will turn into cover for a retreat.

* - these would be, as suggested elsewhere on the Internet, Taliban that behead their wives, but do not film it.


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Remember, it's the "Tollybon" in "Pockiston". Raise yourself to The One's level.

    I wonder if the CIA refers to Him as "Ubama".


  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Well, if he does, he's got lots of company. As I recall, the British and the Soviets didn't exactly get what they wanted out of Afghanistan, either.
