
Sunday, March 08, 2009

Diplomatic Gift Ideas for Barack Obama

Here at The Scratching Post, we're not completely consumed with snark for our president. And unlike some of our friends, we don't want to see him fail. Recently, President Obama hosted the Prime Minister of the UK, Gordon Brown. While the Prime Minister gave Barack some lovely gifts, The One responded with a pack of DVDs.

It was very badly received.

In light of these developments, we'd like to offer some suggestions to the Obama staffers who ran off to Costco at the last minute to buy a gift for our most important ally in the world. That way, the next time an important dignitary arrives, they'll be prepared.

Here's our list.

For Nicolas Sarkozy of France, we recommend some very nice scented candles.

As we understand it, the French don't like to bathe. These candles will really help mask the odors in their meeting rooms!

For Angela Merkel of Germany, how about a lovely assortment of chocolates?

Since she's a girl and worries about her figure, these could be combined with a Jane Fonda workout video.

For Kim Jung Il of North Korea, nothing says, "I want to be your friend so will you please stop threatening us with a sea of fire" quite like a Hickory Farms gift basket.

Plus, since his people are all starving to death, this will go over big when he gets back home!

For Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, how about some groovy designer footwear?

The guy is like 4'6" or something. These would make him feel taller and boost his self-esteem!

I'm sure you can think of some good gift ideas, too. Leave your ideas in the comments. Let's all pull together and help Barack Obama out. After all, we don't want to have to keep reading criticisms like this:
At least if he meant to snub Brown, it would suggest a certain competence at this brand of diplomacy. Instead, we’re told that the Obama White House and their staff are just a bunch of incompetents who got in over their heads.


  1. For Obama's trip to Turkey I suggest a couple of Armenian specialties like eggplant dolma or babakanoosh.

    I think they'd be appreciative, no?

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Hahaha, nice post. But yes, Mr. Obama needs to get some brighter ideas on the gifts for foreign countries. And these would sure be good ones :). I would suggest Tea for Britain, since they never have enough of it.

    Take care, Jay

  3. When he visits the Czech Republic, maybe Michelle can run out to the store again and buy some plastic models of Russian T-55 tanks.

    That would be totally rad.

    And when the Dalai Lama visits the White House they can order Chinese take-out.

    I'm having way too much fun, here.

  4. I love the ideas, Dean.

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Scented Candles are a great gift idea for anyone! Gift Baskets are always nice, but don't forget to send something that is easy to inspect! Secret Service has a big job!
    Great Ideas!

  6. Hey all the gift ideas is very best. i like the candle gift ideas.

  7. I suggest a nice selection of wine when he goes to make peace in the middle east-- and maybe a BBQ with jerked pork sandwiches!

  8. ery helpful gift ideas. Thanks for sharing. i love all the ideas.

    thanks for the great ideas for Father's Day gifts.
