
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I Love Myers-Briggs

My son is a junior in high school. As a part of his college selection preparation, the school has him take a Myers-Briggs personality profile test. He came out as a pretty strongly-typed ENFP. I am a strongly-typed ENFJ. It explains so much in our conflicts. Where I make lists and goose-step around the house giving orders, he's communing with the astral planes, seeing groovy possibilities in everything*.

I should have suspected something when our family photos started looking like this.

You can take the Myers-Briggs test here. I'd be interested in knowing your personality type.

* - OK, so we're much more alike than different, but this is my blog and I thought it would be funny to go completely overboard on this. So there.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I'm pretty sure that when I completed a questionnare like this some years ago, I came out as INTP. For what that's worth.

  2. I did mine as part of the "Separation Counseling"....really strong ENTP.

    Fictional Character= Bugs think about it, not that bad.

    X-Wife, you didn't ask? INTJ

    Fictional Character= Hannibal Lecter.

    Can't understand how it didn't work out........

    *And no, I didn't make that up.....*

  3. My goodness, Tim, we're polar opposites!

    Wollf - Hannibal Lecter? Hilarious! Well, from a distance, at least.

  4. My fictional character is James T. Kirk. Yay!

  5. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'm basically an intuitive introvert. I'm so close on the last two that they change every time I take the test.

  6. ISTJ, here.

    No idea what they'd class me as, but "Paladin" kinda covers it.
