
Thursday, February 05, 2009

I Like the Idea of Capping Executive Pay

... for the same reasons that B-Daddy suggests. If we cap the pay of management teams for everyone who gets a handout from the government, then most firms will do whatever they can to avoid that. Like maybe even exerting some control over their lending practices!

Wouldn't that be nice?


  1. So you're saying we should teach a man how to fish instead of giving him one?

    As my grandmother says: Democrats give a man a fish, Republicans teach a man how to fish.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Just yesterday, I heard a fellow acting as a spokesman for all these executives who are going to get their pay capped if they ask for the government handout. His heart fair bled for these poor, poor executives who were going to have to scrape by. He gave us all these dire warnings about how these guys are in demand, ya know, and all the most talented ones will just move on to jobs that *will* pay more than half-a-million per year. To which I'm thinking (a)if their company is actually in condition where it needs a government handout, their "talent" obviously wasn't so great, now was it? and (b) if they think they can get that kind of pay elsewhere, they are more than welcome to try. Maybe they'll succeed, and good luck to them.

    I agree that this is a great way to weed out the companies that really don't need the money, but just want a helping of that sweet, juicy pork.

  3. A guy named gringo on LGF last night suggested capping movie stars at $500,000 per year, pro football players at $500,000 per year, and BEST OF ALL, ex-presidents at $500,000 per year - oh and governor's, senator's and president's wives to $30,000 a year. Poor Michelle, and Mrs. Blago wouldn't exactly sign on to that one, would they?

    Who else should we cap? Senators and Congressmen for sure.

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Put any entity receiving federal funds (over a certain percentage?) on GS rates? Public sector pay with private sector stability... a winning recipe!

    Be nice to the Dear Leader and his flock. It's not like they hopped in a luxury 747 for a 150-mile hop to an executive retreat. Only evil corporations do that, and they must be punished.

